안녕 얘들아 <3 Kore'den herkese selam olsun ㅋㅋㅋ
Myeongongdan olacakti yazim ancak firsat bulup gidemedim. En kisa zamanda insallah diyelim :)
Bugun, 2ay kadar once aldigim ancak bugun kullanmaya firsat buldugum sac ve sac dipleri icin olan Chakan Protein Bomb Head and Hair Spa Hair pack urununden bahsedecegim kisaca. Urunu yorumlayan bir blog veya yazi bulamadigim icin ingilizce ve yapabildigim kadar Korece (Koreceyi daha sonra ekleyecdegim:D) yazmaya calisacagimㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I bought this product almost 2 mounths ago, finally i got time for try it. I couldnt find any review about this product and decided to write my thoughts for my foreigner followers and readers^.^
Saclarimi uzatmaya karar verdim ancak surekli acma ve boyama isleminden dolayi uclar yipranmis durumda sac rengimden de vazgecememden oturuki bakim yaparak uzatmaya calisayim diyerekten gittigim Kore'de bulunan Oliveyoung isimli magazada gorup denemek icin almistim bu urunu. Nasil bir cumle kurmussam :D
I wanna make my hair longer but Bleaching and dyeing damaged to my hair. hard to get long hair because of this :/ Therefore I wanna use natural packs or masks to my hair to make my hair healthy.
I found this product from The Oliveyoung Store in Kore. (btw I live in Korea)
Firma urunlerinde asla kimyasal kullanmadiklarini ve tamamen dogal iceriklerle urettiklerini soyluyorlar. (Umarim oyledir)
The factory claims to be natural ingredients.
Product Description:
With the secrets from nature, CHAKAN FACTORY transforms the skin.Not relying on chemicals any more, for clean & pure scalp & skin of women, CHAKAN FACTORY's philosophy and will is "to create healthy skin with 100% pure natural ingredients". CHAKAN FACTORY uses nature's natural extracts as base ingredient so that anyone, even sensitive skin and scalp types, can safely use the product without irritation.
Urun Gorselimiz
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Iki adimda uygulaniyor.
Ilk adim: Jel halinde ve likit bir urun.
Icerigi: Hidrolize edilmis ipek ve kolajen, yesil cay ozu.
We have 2 steps to use it...
1. Step: Jelly and liquid.
Ingredients: Hydrolyzed Silk' Hydrolyzed Collagen' Green tea Extract etc.
Sac derisi icin, saclarimizi yikadiktan sonra diplere masaj yaparak uyguluyoruz. (Aciklamalarda uygulamadan sonra saci yikamalimiyiz diye bir yazi gormedim ancak ben yikadim) ve havlu ile kuruluyoruz. Uygulama sonrasi sac diplerinde harika bir ferahlik hissediyorsunuz.t
We will wash our hair and massage to scalp with 1.step product (I couldnt find infirmation about that we should wash after got first step or wash after applied both. So I washed after first step :D) then dry by towel!
This product felt like my head was breathing. It was really amazing!
Sacim cok az nemli olmasina ragmen urun kopuruyor' hos ferah bir kokusu var.
The Gel is foaming after applied on the scalp. Smells really fresh and nice.
Ikinci Adim: Likit olmayan sac kremi kivaminda bir urun.
Icerigi: Hidrolize edilmis ipek ve kolajen, Jojoba yagi.
2.Step: Its similar with hair creams and not Liquid.
Ingredients: Hydrolyzed Silk' Hydrolyzed Collagen, Jojoba Seed Oil etc.
Sac diplerinden uclarina dogru esit sekilde uyguluyorsunuz. 3 4 dakika kadaqr masaj yapip duruluyorsunuz. Kokusu gercdekten bitkisel oldugu hissini uyandiriyor insanda.
Apply the Hair Spa evenly onto the hair and massage. Rinse off after 3 or 4 minutes. Smells really natural! You can feel the product comes from Nature!
Saclarinizi duruladiktan sonra yumus yumus IPEKSI bir sonuc cikiyor ortaya :) Hasar gormus uclarda dolasma olmadi, tararken kuruturken zorlanmadim.
After washed and dried your hair!!! Touch your hair! You will feel your hair really SILKY!! I didnt get any problem while i dried or brushed my hair! It was amazing for me!
Saclarim daha parlak ve canli gorunuyordu uygulama sonrasi.
As a result my hair was brighter and vivid
Magazada kampanya vardi 2000원'a yani yaklasik 7TL gibi bir fiyata aldim. Turkiye'de satisi var ise haftada 1 kullanim icin bence kacirilmayacak bir urun ^.^
Price: That time, There was an event for this brand, It was 2000원 (about 1.5$)
Definitely I recommend it! Also I will buy more and apply once a week!
Yeni yazida gorusmek uzere <3
XoXo Girls!